- Spring Session + Redis
- Spring Security + JWT
- Spring Security + OAuth2 + Redis
本文章将讲述Spring Security + OAuth2 + Redis
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| neusoft-sso-login 授权服务 ├── AuthApplication └── security ├── WebSecurityConfigurer ├── WebResponseException └── auth ├── AuthFailHandler ├── AuthRequestFilter ├── AuthServerConfigurerAdapter └── AuthSuccessHandler └── service ├── ClientDetailsServiceImpl └── UserDetailsServiceImpl
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| CREATE TABLE `neusoft_sr_oper` ( `OPER_ID` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID', `OPER_ACCOUNT` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '账号', `OPER_PWD` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '密码', `OPER_NAME` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '账号名称', `CREATOR_ID` varchar(64) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建者ID(0-注册用户,super-超级管理员,其他-子用户)', `LAST_LOGIN_IP` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后登录IP', `LAST_LOGIN_TIME` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后登录时间', `LOGIN_COUNT` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '登录次数', `STATUS` varchar(2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0-正常,1-停用,2-锁定,99-注销(删除)', `PWD_MODIFY_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '密码更新时间', `STATUS_MODIFY_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态更新时间', `CREATE_TIME` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `UPDATE_TIME` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`OPER_ID`), UNIQUE KEY `OPER_ACCOUNT` (`OPER_ACCOUNT`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='用户基础信息表';
CREATE TABLE `neusoft_sys_oauth_client` ( `CLIENT_ID` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '客户端ID', `CLIENT_NAME` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端名称', `CLIENT_SECRET` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端密匙', `CLIENT_SECRET_PLAIN` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端密匙明码', `SCOPE` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '限定范围(read,write)', `AUTHORIZED_GRANT_TYPES` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '授权类型(client_credentials,password,refresh_token)', `CREATE_TIME` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `UPDATE_TIME` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`CLIENT_ID`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='OAuth客户端';
对Spring Security + OAuth2,自定义和服务实现主要是以下几个类
- WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter,授权拦截器配置
- WebResponseExceptionTranslator,异常捕获处理
- UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter,请求拦截器
- UserDetailsService,获取用户信息
- ClientDetailsService,获取客户端信息
- AuthenticationSuccessHandler,认证成功处理
- AuthenticationFailureHandler,认证失败处理
- AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter 认证服务配置
启动文件,因我使用的是Redis Cluster集群模式,所以要把自带的Redis加载去掉
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| @EnableEurekaClient @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {RedisAutoConfiguration.class}) public class AuthApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(AuthApplication.class); } }
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| <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-security</artifactId> <exclusions> <exclusion> <artifactId>spring-security-oauth2</artifactId> <groupId>org.springframework.security.oauth</groupId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.security.oauth</groupId> <artifactId>spring-security-oauth2</artifactId> <version>2.3.5.RELEASE</version> </dependency>
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId> </dependency>
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| @Configuration public class WebSecurityConfigurer extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
@Autowired private AuthFailHandler authFailHandler;
@Autowired private AuthSuccessHandler authSuccessHandler;
private final static String LOGIN_URL = "/sso/login"; private final static String[] MATCHER_URL = {"/info", "/sso/*"};
@Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers(MATCHER_URL).permitAll() .anyRequest().authenticated() .and().csrf().disable();
http.addFilterAt(authRequestFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class); }
@Bean public AuthRequestFilter authRequestFilter() { AuthRequestFilter authRequestFilter = new AuthRequestFilter(); authRequestFilter.setAuthenticationManager(authenticationManagerBean()); authRequestFilter.setRequiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher(LOGIN_URL, HttpMethod.POST.toString())); authRequestFilter.setAuthenticationFailureHandler(authFailHandler); authRequestFilter.setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(authSuccessHandler); return authRequestFilter; }
@Bean @Override @SneakyThrows public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() { return super.authenticationManagerBean(); }
@Bean public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() { return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(); } }
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| public class AuthRequestFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter {
private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthRequestFilter.class); private final static String ACCOUNT_STR = "account"; private final static String PASSWORD_STR = "password";
@Override public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException { if (!request.getContentType().equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE) && !request.getContentType().equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)) { return super.attemptAuthentication(request, response); }
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = null;
try (InputStream is = request.getInputStream()) { Map authenticationBean = mapper.readValue(is, Map.class); authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(authenticationBean.get(ACCOUNT_STR), authenticationBean.get(PASSWORD_STR)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("JsonAuthenticationFilter form to json error!"); authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("", ""); }
setDetails(request, authRequest); return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest); } }
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| @Component public class AuthFailHandler implements AuthenticationFailureHandler {
@Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
@Override public void onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, AuthenticationException e) throws IOException, ServletException {
String code = null;
if (e instanceof LockedException) { code = ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_LOCK; }
if (e instanceof DisabledException) { code = ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_EXPIRED; }
if (e instanceof BadCredentialsException) { code = ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN; }
if (code == null) { return; }
httpServletResponse.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK.value()); httpServletResponse.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE); httpServletResponse.getWriter().write(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(ResponseUtil.fail(code))); } }
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| @Component public class AuthSuccessHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
@Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
@Autowired private PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
@Autowired private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;
@Autowired private AuthorizationServerTokenServices defaultAuthorizationServerTokenServices;
private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthSuccessHandler.class);
private static final String BASIC_ = "Basic ";
@Override public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Authentication authentication) throws IOException {
String header = httpServletRequest.getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
if (header == null || !header.startsWith(BASIC_)) { HttpUtil.writeJson(httpServletResponse, ResponseUtil.fail(ERROR_AUTH_BASIC_CLIENT), objectMapper); return; }
String[] tokens;
try { tokens = extractAndDecodeHeader(header); } catch (Exception e) { HttpUtil.writeJson(httpServletResponse, ResponseUtil.fail(ERROR_AUTH_BASIC_CLIENT), objectMapper); return; }
assert tokens.length == 2; String clientId = tokens[0];
ClientDetails clientDetails = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId);
if (!passwordEncoder.matches(tokens[1], clientDetails.getClientSecret())) { HttpUtil.writeJson(httpServletResponse, ResponseUtil.fail(ERROR_AUTH_CLIENT), objectMapper); return; }
TokenRequest tokenRequest = new TokenRequest(Maps.newConcurrentMap(), clientId, clientDetails.getScope(), "all");
new DefaultOAuth2RequestValidator().validateScope(tokenRequest, clientDetails); OAuth2Request oAuth2Request = tokenRequest.createOAuth2Request(clientDetails); OAuth2Authentication oAuth2Authentication = new OAuth2Authentication(oAuth2Request, authentication); OAuth2AccessToken oAuth2AccessToken = defaultAuthorizationServerTokenServices.createAccessToken(oAuth2Authentication);
LOGGER.info("token builder [{}]", oAuth2AccessToken.getValue());
Map<String, String> result = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); result.put(HttpHeaders.ACCESS_TOKEN, oAuth2AccessToken.getValue()); HttpUtil.writeJson(httpServletResponse, ResponseUtil.success(result), objectMapper); }
@SneakyThrows private String[] extractAndDecodeHeader(String header) {
byte[] base64Token = header.substring(6).getBytes(UTF_8); byte[] decoded; try { decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Token); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to decode basic authentication token"); }
String token = new String(decoded, UTF_8);
int delim = token.indexOf(":");
if (delim == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid basic authentication token"); }
return new String[]{token.substring(0, delim), token.substring(delim + 1)}; } }
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| @Service public class ClientDetailsServiceImpl implements ClientDetailsService {
@Autowired private OAuthClientService clientService;
private final static String SCOPE_LIMIT = ",";
@Override public ClientDetails loadClientByClientId(String s) throws ClientRegistrationException {
OAuthClient client = clientService.clientByName(s);
if (null == client) { return new BaseClientDetails(); }
BaseClientDetails clientDetails = new BaseClientDetails(); clientDetails.setClientId(client.getClientName()); clientDetails.setClientSecret(client.getSecret()); clientDetails.setScope(Arrays.asList(client.getScope().split(SCOPE_LIMIT))); clientDetails.setAuthorizedGrantTypes(Arrays.asList(client.getAuthorizedGrantTypes().split(SCOPE_LIMIT))); return clientDetails; } }
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| @Service public class UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
@Autowired private AuthService authService;
@Override public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String account) throws UsernameNotFoundException { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(account)) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException(ResponseCodeSso.ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_ACCOUNT); }
if (!authService.accountExtis(account)) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException(ResponseCodeSso.ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_ACCOUNT); }
return getUserDetails(account); }
private UserDetails getUserDetails(String account) {
Oper oper = authService.infoByWhere(account);
if (null == oper) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException(ResponseCodeSso.ERROR_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_ACCOUNT); }
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_USER");
User user = new User( oper.getOperAccont(), oper.getOperPwd(), oper.getStatus().startsWith("0"), !oper.getStatus().startsWith("1"), true, !oper.getStatus().startsWith("2"), authorities ); return user; } }
Token存储模式设置为Redis Cluster存储,将Lettuce
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| @Configuration public class AuthServerConfigurerAdapter {
@Autowired private RedisCacheConfig redisCacheConfig;
@Autowired private CacheConfig cacheConfig;
@Bean public LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory() { RedisClusterConfig clusterConfig = new RedisClusterConfig(redisCacheConfig); RedisClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration = new RedisClusterConfiguration(clusterConfig.getClusterNodes()); return new LettuceConnectionFactory(clusterConfiguration); }
@Bean(name = "redisTemplate") public RedisTemplate<String, Serializable> redisCacheTemplate() { RedisTemplate<String, Serializable> template = new RedisTemplate<>(); template.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); template.setValueSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer()); template.setConnectionFactory(lettuceConnectionFactory()); return template; }
@Bean public TokenStore tokenStore() { RedisTokenStore tokenStore = new RedisTokenStore(redisCacheTemplate().getConnectionFactory()); tokenStore.setPrefix(cacheConfig.getRoot() + ":Token:"); return tokenStore; }
@Bean public TokenEnhancer tokenEnhancer() { return (accessToken, authentication) -> { final Map<String, Object> additionalInfo = new HashMap<>(1); additionalInfo.put("license", "web"); ((DefaultOAuth2AccessToken) accessToken).setAdditionalInformation(additionalInfo); return accessToken; }; }
@EnableAuthorizationServer protected static class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
@Autowired private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
@Autowired private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
@Autowired private ClientDetailsServiceImpl clientDetailsService;
@Autowired private TokenStore tokenStore;
@Autowired private TokenEnhancer tokenEnhancer;
@Autowired private WebResponseExceptionTranslator webResponseException;
@Override public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception { clients.withClientDetails(clientDetailsService); }
@Override public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception { oauthServer .allowFormAuthenticationForClients() .checkTokenAccess("permitAll()"); }
@Override public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception { endpoints .allowedTokenEndpointRequestMethods(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST) .pathMapping("/oauth/check_token", "/sso/check") .tokenStore(tokenStore) .tokenEnhancer(tokenEnhancer) .userDetailsService(userDetailsService) .authenticationManager(authenticationManager) .reuseRefreshTokens(false) .exceptionTranslator(webResponseException); } } }